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Malcolm Arnold Preparatory School

Malcolm Arnold Prep is committed to ensuring every pupil excels both inside and the classroom and later on in their lives.

Diliges proximum tuum sicut te ipsum
"You shall love your neighbour as yourself"
Mark 12:31


We now have fourteen classes at Malcolm Arnold Preparatory School.

The school community selected 'upstanders' (past and present) as their class names. 

Reception: Attenborough & Donaldson
Year One: Disney & Mead
Year Two: Earhart & Wiltshire
Year Three: Simmonds & Thunburg
Year Four: Parks & Marley
Year Five: Shakespeare & Rashford
Year Six: Mandela & Middleton

Early Years

Mrs Steel, Mrs Davies and Miss Boyle

Year 1

Miss Elliman, Miss Ballinger

Year 2

Miss Miley  and Miss Binns

Year 3

Miss Headworth and Mr Arlington

Year 4

Mrs O'Dell and Miss Simkins 

Year 5

 Miss Frost & Mr Hobbs

Year 6

Miss Ireland & Mrs Pheasant

Class-based Support Team

Mrs Adams

Miss Barber

Mrs Begum

Miss Britten

Miss Clark

Miss Edinborough

Mrs Gopal

Miss King

Mrs Marshall

Miss Neal

Miss  Kusiwaah-Appiah

Miss Lynch

Mrs Saddiqa

Miss Walden


 Inclusion Team

Mrs D Paterson (Family Support Worker)

Miss A Champion (Learning Mentor)

Miss Dickerson (SENDCo)

Support and Admin

Ms Zara Gamble (Senior Administrator)

Miss Nicola Wright (Administrator)

Senior Leadership

Principal: Mrs Tracey Hudson DSL

Vice Principal: Mrs K Weston (Teaching and Leaning, Curriculum & Behaviour Lead) DDSL

SENDCo: Mrs M Dickerson